Multiple types of nodes/edges in a network are often flattened into a single network. However, real-world data and systems are often more accurately modelled as a set of interacting networks, or layers, with different node and edge types. These so-called Multilayer Networks are studied by researchers both in network visualization and in complex systems. Multilayer Networks provide new challenges for visualization, visual analytics, interaction, and modelling. New tasks and domain problems arise, which are not yet addressed by existing visual analytics approaches.
This workshop will focus on the contributions possible from the information visualization and visual analytics communities to advance visual analytics of Multilayer Networks. The workshop provides a platform for short presentations on urgent challenges, innovative ideas, new frameworks, novel design concepts, fundamental requirements, and work in progress related to the workshop topic.
The workshop keynote will be given by Guy Melançon, University of Bordeaux (FR). Visit Prof. Melançon's dedicated page to know about his work and background.
Who is part of the organisation committee ? Discover also the provided literature.
The 1st workshop on Visualization of Multilayer Networks will take place At VIS 2019 in Vancourver, BC, Canada October 20th - 25th
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
5, Avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval
Tel: +352 275 888 - 1